welcome to my blog!!!!

Thank you for dropping by....i will be blogging about my life in Devon by the sea-side, decorating my 1926 home, vintage treasure hunting from auctions, charity shops , recycling centres and the good old british car booty!! One mans rubbish is another mans treasure! baking, sewing, painting and probably the weather!!!! enjoy!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Seasonal Bunting.......

 As I get older I seem to notice the passing of the seasons in ever increasing detail.......
 The flowers, the fruits, the blossoms, the leaves, the quality of the light......the length of the days.....and I want to celebrate every second of every season.....I have always loved The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady...and I have a couple of the books lying around.....but what use is a book on the shelf when you can use it to make wonderful bunting that can be seen EVERY day.....
 So I have started with a SPRING bunting...........
 I love it....and have hung it in my kitchen, along with the primroses and mini dafs, and a lovely bundle of rhubarb a dear friend brought from her allotment for me........spring has sprung in my kitchen
Of course I will have four lots of this bunting throughout the year.......I need to find a shelf where I can display seasonal bits and produce,,,,and I have lots of pictures left over to make some more bunting so keep tuned x


  1. What a lovely idea! I adore bunting, though I mostly sew it. Of course I could scan and print spring images onto calico! Now that's an idea. Thanks for that. Off now to try to find a copy of your book in our local CS .

    1. my daughter used the rest of the pages to make the traditional triangle bunting...sewing bias biding across the top ...it's amazing.....you will be able to make loads from one book x the printing onto calico sounds a really interesting idea...some of the poems from the book would look good on it! thank you for popping by to visit sidmouth poppy x x x

  2. I have a couple of copies of that book too, guess what I'm going to do.........
    Julie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. well i thought it was a wonderful idea i am so happy i came up with it....and when i say i came up with it ...i mean ...i saw it on pinterest!


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