welcome to my blog!!!!

Thank you for dropping by....i will be blogging about my life in Devon by the sea-side, decorating my 1926 home, vintage treasure hunting from auctions, charity shops , recycling centres and the good old british car booty!! One mans rubbish is another mans treasure! baking, sewing, painting and probably the weather!!!! enjoy!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Catch Up or How I have been a lazy blogger

Have been very of the "who would be interested in me " frame of mind and neglecting my blog...so here is a catch up in pictures of Christmas, New Year and the rest, in a glorious muddle of  jingle bells and embroidery makes and projects and learning to crochet....I will try to be a good blogger from now on...if any one out there is even mildly interested that is.....


  1. I am interested- good to see you blogging.I have been a terrible blogger, I am always reading them and thinking I should do a post but never seem to get around to it. We have moved house and just got a new computer with Windows 8 which is very strange !
    Your cloth with skank on it made me laugh- what does it mean ? the teacher I work for uses the work skanky for sort of dirty or yukky.
    Your Christmas looked lovely
    Best wishes to you
    Sue x

  2. I am interested! Lovely to see you again.
    Love the photos, the one of Sidmouth beach bought back memories.
    Julie xxxxxxxxx


i love hearing from other bloggers and try to answer every comment x